Trendy and Elegant Additions in the Bathroom
2016-07-11 4:11:46 AM

Changes in lifestyle with time are very important as changes are always good. Just like clothes, shoes and other accessories, alteration with the latest trends to your living area is very important. Altering your bathroom accessories is very easy as they need very short budget because it is usually restricted to your use. But renovation of your bathroom is very necessary as you spend worth time in it. Outdated bathrooms should be designed according to latest trends without disturbing your bank.

Nowadays, adding chic to bathrooms is very easy as there is variety of accessories that can be used to simply do small changes with large impact on your bathroom appearance. Lighted bathroom mirrors are in great demands that are reasonable and excellent addition to your bathrooms to make it trendy, classy and unique.

Here are some tips of experts and interior designers to renovate your bathroom without altering the basic structure and with the addition of small accessories. 

1. Paint patterns

The very first thing that should be considered to add chic to your bathroom is playing with the paints. Painting the walls, led backlit mirrors and shelves in trendy colors is inexpensive and will add sense of relaxation and refreshment to bathrooms. Selection of soothing and light colors is recommended. Water resistant paint is suggested as moisture is integral to occur in bathrooms that will eventually lead to the possible replacement of the water lines. Moisture causes harm to the plumbing area and ventilations that will need extra money to update your bathroom as their replacement is costly and you need to renew the basic structure. Floral paint pattern are in great use nowadays giving a natural impact of refreshment to bathrooms. For high walled bathrooms it is suggested to use the same color as that of walls for the compensation of the height.

2. Traditional accessories

Antique frames and clocks really add chic to your bathrooms as they look elegant, gorgeous, versatile and amazingly cheap if not brought from the expensive outlets. You can search for reasonable priced accessories and paint them according to your theme. Gold and silver add a classy and modern look to the antique frames and they look perfect while reconsidering to remodel the bathroom. Place these antique masterpieces in the central area of the bathroom for contemporary looks and feelings. This need to be a little creative while selecting the traditional accessories and making them trendy as well as modern by your ideas, to make them suitable for your bathroom.

3. Modern additions

Lighting up the bathrooms with LED lights, backlit mirror cupboards is also in great demand. Consider your budget first and then go out for the least expensive modern accessories. Pick a suitable vanity mirror is recommended that really adds chic to the refreshing area and make the small details more visible that were not considered in the past but now with awareness  and modernization in the world, one needs. Dim and dull lights can add depressing effect to the bathrooms so lighten up them with prominent lights.

Curtains are also a very impacting thing in the bathroom appearance, thick curtains looks outdated; selection of thin curtains is always the right choice but they should maintain the privacy as well during the light exposure.

Fireplace placement is also very unique addition to your bathroom and it looks gorgeous having an open fireplace, it gives a humble impression to your bathroom. Aesthetics are required in placing the appropriate fireplace and small defects can be negligible. They add charm to the bathrooms and are easily fitted.

4. Storage

Make the shelves clean and keep the storage lower like remove the empty pile up of shampoos, beauty supplies, perfume or other such mess creating accessories and shift them to the illuminated mirror cupboards that are in the great demand nowadays with the trend of renovating the bathroom. This will gives you a valuable space in the bathroom. This is difficult to handle this issue by a small effort can result tremendously well. Can baskets can be a lovable addition to cut down the stuff on the shelves or high cabinets are often more recommended.

The above mentioned key points are very much helpful in making your bathroom trendy and modern. Other small additions are also to be considered but with these 4 considerations you can maximize the positive outlook of your bathroom with minimum budget. So, try out these if you want to add chic to the bathroom and enjoy the healthy, relaxing and refreshing time out there. Be creative and critical analyst in considering the prices to avoid hiring of the interior designers that will cost you a lot, sometimes even more than the accessories expenses. Take these and start playing now with the things to add chic in the area where you can spend quality relaxing time.

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